![]() | 陈桂华 博士,副教授 办公室:8B115 Email:chengh@dgut.edu.cn |
1999.09-2003.07 汕头大学,应用物理专业,本科毕业
2003.09-2008.06 中山大学,理论物理专业,博士毕业
2008.07-2018.10 东莞理工学院电子工程与智能化学院,讲师
2017.02-2017.08 East Carolina University,公派访问学者
2018.06-2019.08 East Carolina University,国际合作
2018.09-至今 东莞理工学院电子工程与智能化学院,副教授
1. Gui-hua Chen, Zhibing Li, Jie Peng, Chunshan He, Weiliang Wang, Shaozhi Deng, Ningsheng Xu∗, Chongyu Wang, Shanying Wang, Xiao Zheng, Guanhua Chen, and Tao Yu, Atomic decoration for improving the efficiency of field electron emission of carbon nanotubes, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2007, 111: 4939.
2. Gui-hua Chen, Weiliang Wang, Jie Peng, Chunshan He, Shaozhi Deng, Ningsheng Xu, and Zhibing Li∗, Screening effects on field emission from arrays of (5,5) carbon nanotubes: Quantum mechanical simulations, Physical Review B, 2007, 76: 195412.
3. Gui-hua Chen∗, Shaoqiang Zhang, Muying Wu, Optical solitons in a trinal-channel inverted nonlinear photonic crystal, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials, 2013, 22: 1350012.
4. Gui-hua Chen, Zhihuan Luo∗, Jianxiong Wu, and Muying Wu, Switch between the types of the symmetry breaking bifurcation in optically induced photorefractive rotational double-well potential, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 2013, 82: 034401.
5. Gui-hua Chen∗, Hongcheng Huang, Muying Wu, Solitary vortices in two-dimensional waveguide matrix, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials, 2015, 24: 1550012.
6. Gui-hua Chen, Hongcheng Wang, Lixian Fan, Yan Liu∗, Discrete solitons in an array of linear waveguides with a nonlinear PT -symmetric defect, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials, 2016, 25: 1650026.
7. Gui-hua Chen∗, Hongcheng Wang, Zifa Chen, Discrete vortices on anisotropic lattices, Frontiers of Physics, 2015, 10: 104206.
8. Gui-hua Chen, Hongcheng Wang∗, Zhao-pin Chen, Yan Liu∗, Fundamental modes in waveguide pipe twisted by saturated double-well potential, Frontiers of Physics, 2017, 12: 124201.
9. Gui-hua Chen, Yan Liu∗, Hongcheng Wang∗, Mixed-mode solitons in quadrupolar BECs with spin-orbit coupling, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2017, 48: 318.
10. Gui-hua Chen, Lin He, Mu-ying Wu, Guang Yang, Y. Q. Li, Optical trapping, pulling, and Raman spectroscopy of airborne absorbing particles based on negative photophoretic force, Proc. SPIE 10347, Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XIV, 103472A (25 August 2017).
11. Gui-hua Chen, L. He, M. Wu, and Y. Li∗, Temporal dependence of photophoretic force optically induced on absorbing airborne particles by a power-modulated laser, Phys. Rev. Applied 10, 054027 (2018).